International Magazine of Art and Finance

New Issue

ArtonWorld N°20

Interview with Guillaume Piens, Director of Art Paris

"Immortal: A Focus on Figurative Painting in France" esplorerà il contesto storico e le influenze degli ...

Consuelo Kanaga: Catch the Spirit

Consuelo Kanaga: Cattura lo spirito presenta la prima retrospettiva sulla West Coast dedicata a questa figura ...

“Unpleasant Doubt or RidiculousCertainty? There Is No AttributiveMonopoly on Artworks”

Nell’esercizio della mia professione mi è capitato di assistere a scontri frontali non solo tra componenti ...

Video "Break of Art"

Art Market
What are NFTs?

Carmelita Brunetti, editor of, explains what NFTs are and their artistic and economic potential in the art world.

Are you an Italian or foreign company?

Create your artistic brand to promote your business!

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Culturalia - Artonworld - Magazine of art

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Organize exhibitions of NFTs in Metaverse in Helmallery in Decentraland.

A partnership towards the Metaverse between three major international realities:

Registrazione al Tribunale di Roma, 17 febbraio 2021, firmato il 10 febbraio 2021 Has a great mission:
“To communicate with ethics and professionalism.”

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